Books available at Loreto Church
in the heart of the city of Lisbon.
To purchase the exhibited books, send an order
to this email: churchloreto@gmail.com

Livro - Pe. Sérgio Filippi scj.
I rappresentatnti diplomatici della santa sede in Portogallo e la chiesa di nostra Signora di Loreto a Lisbona.

Book - Loreto in Lisbon-Nunziatella
The volume Loreto in Lisbon – 500 years of Italian memory, published by Fábrica da Igreja Italiana de Nossa Senhora do Loreto, is part of the commemorations of the fifth centenary of the construction of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Loreto in Lisbon (1518-2018).

Book - Homo est minor mundus : construction of knowledge and Portuguese-Italian diplomatic relations (15th-18th centuries)
Nunziatella Alessandrini (Editor/Coordinator), Mariagrazia Russo (Editor/Coordinator), Gaetano Sabatini (Editor/Coordinator)
Knowledge is an important part of how different peoples and cultures relate to each other. Particularly in the Modern Age, diversified agents - religious, artists, businessmen - become ambassadors of their culture.

Book - Church of Nostra Signora di Loreto
1518-2018 : an italian chiesa in terra portoghese
by Nunziatella Alessandrini (Editor),
Teresa Bartolomei (Editor)

Book - La Chiesa degli Italiani
To know everything about the history of the Church of Loreto, you can purchase the book
"La Chiesa degli Italiani" written by Sergio Filippi. Send a request to this email: churchloreto@gmail.com. This book is not just a simple historical record,
but without a doubt, it is an emotional romance.

Book - Monsignor Prospero Peragallo-Segio Filippi
On April 27, 2017, the presentation of the book “Monsignor Prospero Peragallo”, written in Italian by Father Sérgio Filippi scj, took place in the Sacristy of the Church of Loreto.

Book - Le nove son so-Nunziatella
Le nove son so much and tante, che dir non se pò: Lisbon of the Italians: history and art (14th-18th centuries)